Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What About December 21, 2012?

Wow. Really? One year left? And then what? Are we going to disappear in a POOF? Or will we be overcome with love and finally learn to tolerate our fellow humans? OR will it be a big nothing like Y2K? Well, there are several prophecies and I say let's go over them and see what sounds most likely - then figure on the least likely. HA! - Isn't that the way it usually is? Okay.

I went to forbiddenknowledgetv.com - which I personally enjoy a lot - and there are a lot of videos with a lot of information. One option is about solar flares. Now, this wouldn't be the regular ol' solar flares that we get now and it wouldn't even be a solar flare that might knock out a major city. No. We are talking about THE SOLAR FLARE that is strong enough to take out all communications around the Earth. I know what you're thinking, "So. And it would be out for what, maybe a couple weeks, because all the nerds and geeks would be right on that and they would get it fixed and no one dies." Or do they? Think about hospitals. Businesses would go haywire and we have seen how those Wall Street, big corporation types get. And the looting, the shooting... people running all over the place like wild animals. And no vehicles, in fact, no transportation at all except for bicycles and horses. Just think of all the planes and trains that crashed once there were no signals going out. Ooooo- bad. Very bad.

Now, speaking of the earth, there is also the Polar Shift. I saw a couple things on this - once again at forbiddenknowledgetv.com, and what it boils down to is that the earth would "flop" on it's side. Yeah. It would "flop" over and the oceans would slosh out towards space but gravity would bring the water back and the poles would be in different places. Then, I believe, there will be either 3 days of darkness or 3 years of darkness - who knows? Now, I do not know how people would survive this but we are a lot tougher than we think we are and I imagine it is totally possible that someone would survive. The survivors would rebuild.

Then, there is Nibiru or Planet X - it will swoop in and smash into Earth and that will be that. But the human toll won't be that bad because the aliens came by just before the smash and picked up the ones that wanted to go. How I understand it is some will die because it is their choice and some will go for a ride on the mother ship and a select few will stay to rebuild (someone has to, right?).

Now, I'm sure I haven't talked about every situation that can happen. We can always go over the others later. But I did want to ask how everyone felt about the "end of the world" thing... because the Mayan calendar ends, right? Well, I found out the calendar has ended before and the only thing that happened was that it started over. So, I'm going with the odds and I believe the calendar will start over and the world goes on.

What do you think will happen? Please comment. I would love to hear it. Thanks for your time.

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