Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Have You Seen A Flying Saucer?

Have You Seen a Flying Saucer?

I am so jealous… They are on TV. They are on the internet. And probably your neighbor has seen a UFO. Even my boyfriend has seen one – excuse me – six. Five in broad daylight and 1 at night. And I am jealous.
I have sat outside and stared into space. I work afternoons and when I go outside I watch the sky diligently. I am in my 50s and have been doing this since I was a child.
I have never seen a flying saucer – I don’t think.
Now – in all fairness – I did catch a glimmer of something once. I was driving over a bridge and off to my left I swore I saw something in the sky but when I trained my eye in that direction  - it was gone. Could I have actually seen a UFO?
Sure  - Why not? Everyone else has. Or so it seems.
Don’t get me wrong. I am a believer. Completely. Something in me just says it is true. I’m not talking about faith. That is something else entirely. I seem to have this knowing that – yes – there are UFOs in our sky.
Please leave a message and let me know if you have been blessed enough to have seen a flying saucer. Maybe “blessed” is the wrong term. Let me know if you have been sharp enough to have seen one.
I promise I won’t tell anyone. LOL!
Later friends…

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